Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Squirt and Poptarts

So I'm sitting here at my desk with nothing to do. Finals are here and past, no more classes for the next three or four weeks, and I'm feeling pretty good. I started looking back at the start of this chapter in my life and started, I've come a long ways but yet at the same time it was such a short distant. So many things have changed about me since I've left home. One, for instance, is I have developed a liking for s'mores pop tarts. I can't live without the taste of them. I also have become obsessed with Squirt, if you want to make me happy on a bad day just give me some Squirt. I have changed in so many other ways I can't explain them, I have changed mentally (for the better), physically (in a good way), and spiritually.

I have learned how to take life as it comes, for one it's less stressful than wanting things to come, and for two it's more fun when the unexpected shows up at your door.

I have learned to be dependent on myself, I now know that I can make it on my own. It may be painful at sometimes but I know that I can handle myself and work through it. I may even just stay up here, get an apartment, and just work all this summer.

Though I still have a lot more to learn in life all I can say is to bring it on!

When I first arrived at college I didn't know what I was expecting. For one thing I wasn't expecting to be where I am right now, but where I am right now I'm happy with. I have met so many new and great friends, and hopefully I'll continue down the path that I am because I'm liking it.

The Good: All the changes that have occurred
The Bad: My Core Discovery Class Grade
The Ugly: Students rushing to get everything done for finals

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