Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Shezada Saheem

I have picked up a new sport that takes just as much a beating as boxing: Endurance Riding. Every summer I like to set goals for myself to accomplish. This summer, one of my goals is to complete a 25 mile endurance race. But for me to accomplish this goal I would have to overcome a lot of my fear of riding. Yes, I love horses, but that doesn't mean that I was the best at riding them. I have always been scared of what the horse was going to do while I was on their back. But I've determined that if I was going to beat this fear I needed to face it. Which meant a lot of time in the saddle.

To begin my adventure I needed a noble steed to carry my scardy butt around. And that noble steed would be Shezada Saheem, aka, Sam. Mind you, the last time I saw this horse he was just getting saddle broke, so I was kinda unsure about riding this horse up and down steep hills. But he's been in training since I've started college and was starting his career as a broke horse so I wasn't too worried.

It all began with my first trail ride on Sam. Before I left for college I went on a trail ride with my horse Tawshi, and that experience didn't go so well. After that ride I swore off ever really riding horses and just excepted the fact that I probably wont ever get to really ride horses because of my fear and I just gave up. So when I got on Sam I was pretty nervous, I didn't know what to expect. All I knew was I wanted to get over this stupid fear.

And believe it or not, I worked through it. Through a lot of tears and anger I got through it. I just remember being so frustrated at myself being scared. But one step at a time I worked through it, and found myself coming out a stronger person. And God bless Sam boy for putting up with me every step of the way. That horse really knows how to teach a person how to ride. After I worked through my initial fear, that's when the fun started.

Sam and I started to hit it off. We both started gain confidence on the trail and in each other. There is nothing like the feeling of trusting in horse to carry you to the top of a hill, to just run strait up and once you get to the top both you and your horse get a feeling of accomplishment. And together, we both reached our goals. I have concluded that this horse has made a major dent in my life, a good one too. Before I met Sam I was swallowed up in depression, I lost sight of who I was and what I wanted. But Sam showed me what I really could do if I set my mind to it, and with a push (more like a buck) Sam gave me the boost I needed to get out of the hole I was in. I'm back to my good ol' self and I'm happy as I could ever be. Throughout the summer Sam and I have a couple of endurance races that we plan on racing in, you will here more about that in the next couple weeks.

The Good: I'm happy to be just me
The Bad: Leaving for college, I'll probably cry when I leave. It'll be a bitter sweet moment
The Ugly: Me in tears from fear while riding on the trail, lots of thanks to my riding buddies for putting up with me

Thursday, June 2, 2011


It is summer of 2011 and discovered that I've totally neglected my blog. I forgot how much I enjoy writing all my adventures of college life down. But then I've reached this slight problem, during the summer I'm not in college and rarely think about school, so I'm going to at least try to blog a bit through the my summer breaks.

To start things off I thought it would be a good idea just to post a picture of me with ten random facts about myself. Enjoy!

1. I love the color purple
2. My best friend is a horse named Tawshi
3. I can't live without Snickers or Squirt
4. I have a dream of flying
5. I play the sousaphone for the Idaho Vandals Marching Band
6. My choice of sport is boxing
7. I love to hunt, fish, camp, mud, hiking, riding horses, and anything and everything that involves the out doors
8. I drive an '89 Isuzu Trooper that has a cherry bomb on it
9. I love to country swing dance and I go crazy if I don't get to go out with my friends and dance
10. I am blessed with the best friends and family a person can ask for

The Good: I have started blogging again
The Bad: My little brother's attitude towards my parents
The Ugly: My tan line I have on my face from my sunglasses