Sunday, September 13, 2009

Recovering Introvert

So this weekend the College of Natural Resources held leadership Retreat that I decided to go to. The trip was completely free and I didn't have to spend one penny on the trip. (excellent for a poor college student)  The whole them of the retreat was "A team of leaders" and throughout the retreat I learned about group dynamics, power, and the art of negotiation, compromise, and conflict resolution. Plus we did a voulnteer activity which was a blast and I met all kinds of neat friends.

I stayed at Dworshk State Park, very beautiful place. The first day that I arrived the camp host said to beware because there was a mama bear and a cub running around and also a cougar lives in the area. So the first night I was there I was kinda paranoid about running into a bear or being stocked by a mountain lion.

So one night me and a couple other kids decided to camp out on the side of the lake. The night the starts were beautiful and the night night was warm but once morning hit it got freezing cold.
The first morning I decided to go on a early morning hike with my body down to the lake, about 6:00 in the morning so I was really still asleep. I saw this black think off in the distance and I almost freaked out because I saw this black object off in the distance and the first thought that came to my mind was "BEAR!" because the host had told me about the mama bear and the cub. But no, it wasn't a bear, but a silly cow.

One of the leadership challenges that we had was called " Leap of Faith " The point of this game was to get the whole team over the rope without touching the rope. So I got to crowd surf this weekend, which was awesome, different, but awesome.
On the retreat we did community service. We go to cut down pine trees and de-bark them. This was all done for the Nez Peirce Indian tribe and the whole point was these poles that we were making where to go the the elders so they can make tepees. It was pretty fun, I got really sappy but at least I smelt good.

In the end we ended up making about 50 poles. It was great.
The whole leadership retreat was really fun. I got to meet some really neat people and friends and hopefully I will beable to stay in contact with the people I met.  I also learned a lot about my self as a leader and as a person. I learned what typed of leader I am and what my strength and weaknesses are. In the end I had concluded that I am a recovering introvert and I'm thankful that I am no longer that painfully shy person who sits in the corner anymore, I'm not afraid to step over my boundaries and push myself over the limit.
The Good: I am better person as a whole and I'm not ashamed of who I am
The Bad: The world better watch out for me because I'm comming
The Ugly: How much sap I was covered in, that stuff is impossible to get off