Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday Nights

So on Saturday nights people in the dorms can get really boring. So what do you get when you put a whole bunch of kids in one room with flashy lights and loud, and not so good, music? A "rave".  My friends and I decided to check it out to see if it was any good. When we showed up the room smelt like BO and you could barly breath. But other that my friends and I decided to stay awhile and dance and this is what happened.

Like I said, not to shabby for a dorm rave. A couple of guys just threw everything together and this is what we got.
Just another picture I wanted to add add because it  makes me laugh with the guys in the background.

And here are my buddies goofing off. Most of the time we were trying to get the rest of the girls to dance, but at least they showed up.  That was pretty much my weekend, other than homework and sleeping.

The Good: I can sleep in as long as I want
The Bad:   I miss my friends and family back home
The Ugly:  Me waking up in the morning

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two First Weeks

My first two weeks of a freshman

Ok, so here is my first post since I've moved to college. Life is going on so far. The hardest part of college so far is not the classes but the friends. It is so hard to lay down roots when you have deep roots in someother place. For me the hardest part is not seeing my friends or family everyday. I have met some really nice people so far and hopefully it will be a start of friendship, who knows, maybe I've met somebody I'll know for the rest of my life.

Here are one of the first two people I met when I first arrived. In the middle is my suite mate Molly and on the end is my roommate Katie. Yes her name is Katie, so while at college I just introduce myself as Katrina. There are so many Kates, Katies, just anything that starts with a K there's alot of. I couldn't ask for better roommates in the world. We all get along, share everything and hang out when ever we have time too.
This is what lives across my room. Yes, he is handcuff to the door, don't ask why because I could not tell you. They are probably the goofiest guys I've ever met but over all they are fun to hang out with when your bored because I can guarantee that they will make you laugh.
Overall classes have been going, I haven't had a work over load yet. I'm really excited about my Natural Resources 101 class. (More about that later). And marching band is really awesome (more on that also)
The Good:   I got all my homework done
The Bad:     I've already see a girl arrested for drinking
The Ugly:    Guys spitting on the ground every step they take, totally not a turn me on